
Good bye 2012

last post before the new year. 2012 has been a difficult year an all fronts!
I didn't even reach half of the number of posts I wanted to do, also didn't finish any project. We (family) haven't been very healthy and the world seems to constantly turn against us...
I have 5 posts that have never left the "draft" state, including two from 2011!!

I hope 2013 will be a better year.
I do know were I want to go and do, so here's a list:
  • Finish software for most of the Atmel ATTiny projects, become proficient in AVR assembler in linux / gcc;
  • Build a new grow box where I can grow more vegetables;
  • Start learning radio and working in VHF,UHF and microwave;
  • Bike more (practically stopped this year);
I hope you have a great year.