Since during the summer I've been taking Luísa on the Batavus and the Kronan was "ridable" I let it linger for a long time... and after much procastination and "planning" I decided to order online and replace the cranks myself.
There are several tutorials on the net (one here), and what is definetely needed in a crank removal tool and special recessed nut wrench, all the other tools are common workshop tools.
First remove the plastic cap hidding the bolt, then use the special recessed bolt wrench and remove this bolt.
The insert the crank removal tool in the crank nut and turn the extractor bolt, this will slowly move the crank arm out of the axel.
Then just remove the crank arm and remove the pedal (just the crank arm was bent, the pedal was unharmed).
Remove the pedal with a wrench.
Put in the new crank arm, screw in the fixing bolt and the old pedal, repeat for the other side and voila!